Saturday, 24 December 2022

Story Calendar Day 24 - Story Ceilidh


The final door on the Story Calendar reveals a whole storybook of tales from Scotland, Nigeria and Syria, created with New Scots families during our Story Ceilidh project. The highlight of the project was undoubtedly the performance of all these stories at the Beacon Arts Centre in September this year. 

Everyone at the event was given a free copy of the beautifully illustrated publication, which was also distributed at a Visit Scotland's Parliamentary reception to celebrate Scotland's Year of Stories 2022. You can read the book below or download via ISSUU - and if you happen to find a hard copy out in the wild, grab it quick as it's well on the way to being a collectors item!

2022 was a glorious year of stories and community after two years of distance and silence, I don't think I have ever enjoyed myself so much. So that's a high bar for 2023 - which starts with finishing one book and then hopefully starting another. 

Enjoy your well earned winter break when it comes - and take care.